Please take note that on August 20, 2023, CCRS began the following hours of operations:
Monday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
These hours will apply both to the office and the phone lines. We look forward to serving you on this new schedule.
Also, please note that the location of client parking has changed and is no longer located at the end of Bevier Hall across from Madigan Hall. The new parking location is located across from Bevier Hall in the horseshoe parking on Goodwin. CCRS parking spots are clearly signed as such.
If you park in a spot not assigned to CCRS, you will be required to pay the standard parking fees. Failure to do so will result in being ticketed by the University Parking Attendents.
Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC) Module 1: Social-Emotional Growth & Socialization (Hybrid Training – 1st session is in-person) Free, Contact Hours: 8 (6 hours face-to-face, 2 hours online assessment)
Social-Emotional Growth and Socialization explores topics on social-emotional development in the first three years, temperaments of children and caregivers, socialization, guidance and discipline, environments, and gaining an understanding of children’s behavior. Training will begin with an overview of the basic concepts of early social-emotional growth and socialization and their application to the group care context. An emphasis is placed on the development of a nurturing relationship between the infant and caregiver. The overview addresses the importance of responsive caregiving, the individualization of care through an understanding of infant temperament, the critical role of family and culture in early identity development, exploring developmentally appropriate play strategies with ages of infancy, creating supportive physical environments, and stages of emotional development.
This is a hybrid training and participants must complete the face-to-face session and online assessment to receive credit.
Saturday, September 9, from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (1 hour lunch on your own), In Person, Bevier Hall, Room 372, 905 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana
Presenter: Kathy Martin, Infant Toddler Specialist, CCRS
To register, contact Jenny Garinger at (217) 333-7816 or by email at
Attention providers: give your input on new Child Care Workforce Compensation Contracts! Starting in October 2024, IDHS is launching Child Care Workforce Compensation Contracts, which will provide stable, ongoing funding to qualifying child care providers to compensate their staff. IDHS is conducting a provider survey to ensure that the contracts’ rates are informed by the real, current costs that providers face.
If you are a full-day, full-year, licensed child care provider in Illinois, fill out the appropriate survey below by August 31, 2023.
Licensed Child Care Center…/CHILD-CARE-CENTERS-SURVEY…
Licensed Family/Group Child Care Home…/IL-Smart-Start-Child-Care…

Birth to Five Illinois | Early Childhood Regional Needs Assessment Now Available!
Using a Collective Impact Model, between September 2022 and June 2023, the Birth to 5 group led the Action and Family Councils through data discussions to identify gaps and barriers for children and families. They coordinated focus groups, interviews, and surveys to gather input from community members across the Region. We are eager to share with you our key findings, regional strengths, family- and community-identified needs, and recommendations for how to make our Region’s Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) programs more accessible and equitable to children, families, and ECEC providers. Birth to 5 recognizes they could not talk with every community member in the Region prior to completing this report. This summer and fall, the Team will work with their Action and Family Councils to share the report’s findings throughout the Region, keeping with their mission to capture as much input as possible. If you have any feedback on the community report you would like to share now, feel free to use the Contact Form below or reach out to your Regional Council Manager directly.
The Employment Barrier Reduction Program through Champaign County Regional Planning Commission’s Assistance for People Receiving SNAP, TANF, Medicaid who are employed or seeking employment is now offering assistance with transportation costs.
More details about eligibility and how to apply available at: [//]
Maximum Benefit per Individual/Household: $1,400
Transportation Assistance Options:
- Public Transportation/Annual Bus Pass ($300 maximum) o
- Auto Repair ($1,400 maximum)
- Requires proof of ownership, insurance and drivers’ license □
- Requires 2 estimates
If approved, this program will assist with minor repairs to the vehicle (must be registered to the applicant) to return the vehicle to operable condition. Examples include things such as: tires, brakes, water pump, battery, timing belt, chains, and lights.
Champaign County Regional Planning Commission 1776 E. Washington St., Urbana 61802

Now available through ILGateways, this online curriculum will introduce you to early science concepts and processes such as earth, water, and air; force and motion; weather and seasons; and growth and change. You’ll also learn how to engage young children in scientific activities such as observing, making predictions, and drawing conclusions.
Every lesson includes tips on setting up a science-enriched environment, as well as animations, interviews with science experts, and videos of children and teachers in classroom settings.