Provider Newsletter | August 7, 2023

ZOOM TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHILD CARE PROVIDERS There will be no Zoom or In-Person classes offered through CCRS this month.  However, providers will still able to access continuing education opportunities via these sources: HOT SUMMER DAYS AND MEDICATIONS: A RECIPE FOR HEATSTROKE Feeling overheated under the hot summer sun is a common experience. But for […]

Provider Newsletter | November 7, 2022

The Big Give 2022 – Thanksgiving Giveaway If you, or someone you know, needs help providing a turkey for Thanksgiving, Stone Creek Church, in cooperation with The Urbana Meijer and The Universitv of Illinois Office of Volunteer Proqrams, is offering a whole frozen turkey and a bag of holiday groceries this Thanksgiving season. To receive a Thanksgiving Meal […]

Provider Newsletter | August 7, 2022

EARLY CHILDHOOD CONSTRUCTION GRANT The Illinois Early Childhood Construction Grant (ECCG) Program is a state-sponsored initiative to invest in quality early childhood education (ECE) facilities where they are most needed. The ECCG Program will award ECE providers $100 million in grants ($60 million in late fall 2022, and the remaining $40 million at a later […]