Web link disclaimer
Child Care Resource Service has the right to include or exclude any links on this website. The information provided is related to our services and used as a tool to enhance the services we offer to parents, providers, and the community. Links to external websites are provided for informational purposes only. CCRS and the University of Illinois assume no responsibility for the contents of any off-site pages referenced. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate the content and usefulness of information obtained from other sites. Since CCRS and the University of Illinois are not responsible for the availability of these outside resources or their contents, the user should direct any concerns regarding any external link to its site administrator or webmaster. Links from the CCRS site to other sites do not constitute an endorsement from CCRS or the University of Illinois. The user specifically acknowledges that CCRS and the University of Illinois are not liable for the negligent, inaccurate, defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user.
Function policy
This policy is designed to allow CCRS to serve parents and providers in the fairest and most efficient manner possible. CCRS will not exhibit bias towards any child care related program sponsored by the CCRS or its parent agency for any services, including, but not limited to parent referrals, provider training, and technical assistance. Furthermore, CCRS staff will not show a bias toward any program and/or parent based on family or friendship relations. CCRS works directly with parents, child care providers, members of the community and in collaboration with many local, county, and state agencies. Through this work various activities (including but not limited to): observations, visits, mentoring, trainings, and collaborations are performed and information shared. These activities may be done by (but not limited to):
- Quality Coordinator
- Infant Toddler Specialist
- Mental Health Consultant
- Health & Safety Coach
- Navigator
- CCAP Professional
- Director
These activities are done solely for the purpose of improving quality, providing information, and observations to assist in quality improvement, etc. CCRS does not monitor in any manner. Activities are done objectively to assist providers, parents, children, and communities. CCRS does not monitor or investigate child care providers. In addition, CCRS is not responsible for licensing of child care providers.
Database policy
This policy is designed to allow the CCRS to serve parents and providers in the fairest and most efficient manner possible. CCRS will not exhibit bias towards any child care related program sponsored by the CCRS or it’s parent agency for any services, including, but not limited to parent referrals, recruitment & retention, training and technical assistance.
Customer database
The CCRS customer database includes information on persons seeking child care referrals and is used by the CCRS for referral, information and training purposes. Individual data from the customer database is confidential and will not be made available for commercial use or for mailing lists.
Provider database
The CCRS provider database includes information on legally operating licensed and license-exempt child care providers and is used for parent referrals and for notification of training opportunities. All caregivers must provide accurate and detailed service information and be available for service updates. The database will not be made available for commercial use or as a referral tool for use by another agency. Mailing labels may be granted at the discretion of the CCRS for educational and informational purposes. Providers listed with the CCRS also have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in research projects approved by the CCRS at the University of Illinois.
License-exempt family child care providers must also complete the CCRS license-exempt home provider self-evaluation application forms. In addition they must also submit: 1) Two names for references, 2) Proof of attendance for First Aid and CPR class, 3) Physician signed health report on the provider including a TB test, and 4) Authorization of Background Check form –must be completed by everyone who lives in the household who is age 13 and older.
A separate resource listing is available with information on “in home” child care services and includes Nanny Agencies and Au Pair services.
Referrals through the CCRS are based on such factors as type of child care, cost, location, vacancies and other specific program requests by the parent. The CCRS will not make recommendations to parents and a CCRS listing is not a guarantee of quality. Decisions about child care are made by the parents. CCRS staff assist parents with their decision by offering specific guidelines and criteria for selecting a good care arrangement.
No provider has an automatic right to be included in the CCRS database. The CCRS reserves the right to suspend or remove providers from our database. These would include providers whose license has been revoked, who have violated license-exempt criteria according to the Illinois Child Care Act, who have been convicted of criminal activities involving children in his/her care, or who have serious or repeated complaints made about them that have not been addressed. If the reference information on a license-exempt provider is negative or questionable, the CCRS reserves the right not to include the provider in the referral listing. The CCRS will remove license-exempt providers who have serious complaints filed about their services until such conditions have been corrected. See “CCRS Feedback Policies” for the CCRS complaint policy.
Data from both the Provider and Customer databases are reported to the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) on a quarterly and annual basis for statewide statistical purposes. Aggregate customer and provider data is disseminated through the CCRS Annual Report.
Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) data
The CCRS administers the state child care assistance program under contract by IDHS. All data collected by the CCRS for the processing of CCAP applications and payments is for internal use only. Requests for CCAP information can be made to IDHS. IDHS reserves the right to deny requests for CCAP information.
Please note that because additions and deletions to our provider database are made on a daily basis, mailing information may become out-of-date after one month.
Privacy policy: photo & video use
This policy is designed to allow CCRS to serve parents and providers in the fairest and most efficient manner possible. CCRS staff will on occasion visit Child Care Homes and Centers that are licensed and licensed exempt. During these visits, CCRS staff may occasionally take photos or video. The pictures and/or videos are done solely for the purpose of improving quality, providing information, observation to assist in quality improvement, etc.
CCRS will:
- Make every reasonable effort to minimize risk with the use of photographs and video information
- Not display images of children, child care providers, or families on websites, in publications or in a public place. Where photographs or video is taken at an event attended by large crowds, this is regarded as a public area and so it is not necessary to get permission of everyone in a crowd shot
- Ensure that images or video are stored securely and used only by those authorized to do so;
- Ensure that electronic images are stored on a secure network to which members of the public have no access
Privacy policy: confidentiality of records & information
All staff, student interns, and volunteers of the Child Care Resource Service shall respect and maintain the confidential nature of all records and information obtained by, from, and on behalf of our clients.
Individually identifiable information pertaining to parents and their children, their income, and all personal information shall be confidential and limited to authorized personnel within the CCRS or the agency initiating the referral for services. Discussion of such information is limited to professional purposes only and should be done in a setting that allows for confidentiality. These policies do not apply with respect to the reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect or allegations of violations of The Child Care Act of 1996, as amended, or of noncompliance with applicable licensing standards.
Site visits policy
This policy is designed to allow CCRS to serve parents and providers in the fairest and most efficient manner possible. CCRS will not exhibit bias towards any child care related program sponsored by the CCRS or it’s parent agency for any services, including, but not limited to parent referrals, provider training and technical assistance. Furthermore CCRS staff will not show a bias toward any program and/or parent based on family or friendship relations.
The CCRS staff will on occasion visit Child Care Homes and Centers that are licensed and licensed exempt. During these visits CCRS staff will assist providers with quality information. This could be done through various activities, observations, etc. and may be done by (but not limited to):
- Quality Coordinator
- Infant-Toddler Specialist
- Health & Safety Coach
- Mental Health Consultant
These visits are done solely for the purpose of improving quality, providing information, observation to assist in quality improvement, etc. These visits are not done as a way to monitor in any manner. These visits are done objectively to assist providers and children. DCFS is the agency which monitors and investigates all complaints made about providers. They also operate a Day Care Information line that providers parents with licensing compliance information about licensed programs: 1-877-746-0829.
Complaint policy
Child Care Resource Service (CCRS) is dedicated to supporting the accessibility, availability, affordability, and acceptability of child care in Champaign, Macon, Douglas, Piatt, Vermilion and Iroquois counties. Toward that end, we provide non-biased technical assistance and training to child care providers and maintain a complete and up-to-date file of their services for children. We also provide non-biased referrals and technical assistance to parents as they locate and select services for their children. The following policies are designed to help CCRS serve parent and provider needs in the fairest and most efficient manner possible.
CCRS includes information on licensed and legally license-exempt child care providers in its data base. CCRS requires all providers to give accurate and detailed program information and be available for program updates. To be listed on CCRS’ database as a license-exempt family child care provider, the provider must complete CCRS’ license-exempt provider application and self-evaluation form.
Referrals generated through CCRS will be done based on factors such as type of child care, cost, and specific program desires requested by the parent and on information supplied by the provider. CCRS will make no recommendations to parents and a listing with us does not guarantee quality. Decisions about child care arrangements are made by the parent. CCRS staff assists parents in making those decisions by offering non-biased counseling and consumer education material on specific guidelines for selecting a good child care arrangement.
CCRS has a policy to allow for the suspension or removal of providers from the referral database. In instances where serious questions arise concerning the quality of care and safety provided for children or situations where providers might be practicing unlawful discrimination, CCRS reserves the right to temporarily suspend or remove providers from its database.
While our policies and procedures are designed to base such decisions on objective criteria, CCRS will act immediately to protect children by temporarily suspending referrals to providers about whom we have received serious complaints. A provider will remain temporarily off the CCRS database until an inquiry indicates reinstatement to or permanent removal from our database.
When CCRS receives complaints indicating alleged serious licensing violations or child abuse and neglect, CCRS will urge persons with such complaints to report them to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services child abuse hotline at: 1-800-25-ABUSE. CCRS will also report the incident to the same authorities and temporarily suspend referrals to that provider. Where complaints involve personal disputes with providers, we encourage the parent/provider to clarify and resolve such matters themselves. All complaint information that is received on a provider is confidential and is only shared with the appropriate licensing and/or investigative authorities.
We strive to provide child care referral information to parents in a professional manner, respecting the clientele we serve. We also ask that clientele treat staff respectfully. If you feel that a CCRS staff person has treated you inappropriately, you may share your concerns with that person’s supervisor, either in writing or by phone. The supervisor will review the information, and if necessary, talk to the staff person about their behavior. All information received on a staff person is confidential and is only shared with the appropriate supervisory staff.
Diversity, equity, & inclusion policy
It is the policy of the University not to engage in discrimination or harassment against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, disability, national origin, citizenship status, ancestry, age, order of protection status, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, arrest record status, unfavorable discharge from the military, or status as a protected veteran and to comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination, equal opportunity, and affirmative action laws, orders, and regulations.
At CCRS, we are dedicated to creating an inclusive space for all our employees and extending this culture of inclusion into our work. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are integral to our mission.
We believe that our workforce should reflect the vast diversity of the communities we serve, and that diverse voices should be elevated and intentionally integrated into our work. We embrace difference and diversity of identity, experience, and thought, and actively strive for inclusive behaviors across our agency and our work. By promoting these values, we aim to create a positive work experience that encourages a sense of belonging.