Every 2 years, CCRS surveys the training needs of the childcare providers in our area. Please help us to better serve you by taking a few minutes to complete our 2023 CCRS Training Needs Assessment: https://forms.gle/iuQgxXmc6Z36JdRk9. Day care center directors please forward this link onto your staff. We would like to receive as many perspectives as […]
Category: Uncategorized
A Message from CCRS Director, Brenda Eastham & Holiday Hours
Happy Holidays 2023! Here we are in December. Another year is almost over. It has been a busy year with many successes and, unfortunately, a few setbacks. First, just a few of our accomplishments over the last year include: We continue to work on many committees and advocate for the providers and families in our […]
High-Powered Magnets & Children – An Attractive Combination That Can Lead to Severe Injury
A child may initially have little to no symptoms after ingesting more than one high-powered magnet, but complications can escalate rapidly if internal injuries develop. The magnets can connect to each other and pinch the intestinal wall, which can cut off blood supply to that area. The resulting injury can cause blockages, tissue damage, severe […]
Craft: Gratitude Chain for Thanksgiving
It’s easy to focus on the turkey and mashed potatoes and other delicious foods, but the heart of Thanksgiving is gratitude. This Gratitude Chain Thanksgiving activity for families and friends is an ideal way to come together and see just how many things there are to be thankful for. Gratitude activities are the ideal focus for the […]
Provider Newsletter | November 7, 2023
We hope that the words you’ll hear in this video will help you whenever you are working with a young child using behaviors that challenge you. These words may not resolve the situation, but they are wise words we encourage you to reflect on. QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FUNDS-COHORT (QIF-C) GRANT FOR LICENSED PROGRAMS APPLICATIONS DUE DECEMBER […]
Keeping Children Safe – Illinois Poison Center
Protecting children from harm is your No. 1 priority and Illinois Poison Center is here to help. This Caregivers Guide offers practical advice on keeping children safe from potentially harmful substances. That’s IPC’s specialty. We encourage you to take the actions below. You’ll feel more confident and assured after taking concrete steps to keep young […]
Provider Newsletter | October 7, 2023
LOW INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE (LIHEAP) NOW OPEN The Regional Planning Commission will be opening in stages. Starting October 2, LIHEAP opened appointments for people who are seniors, disabled, and/or have children under the age of six. On Wednesday, November 1, LIHEAP appointments will open for households that are disconnected from their utilities, have a disconnection […]
Provider Newsletter | September 21, 2023
RESEARCH SURVEY FOR PARENTS One of the Industrial Design graduate students here at the University of Illinois is currently conducting research on the challenges parents encounter when raising their children and has prepared a survey to identify these challenges. The goal of the survey is to brainstorm potential product development and service solutions. He is […]
Provider Newsletter | September 7, 2023
HURRY! COMPLETE YOUR PROVIDER SURVEY FOR IDHS This is a reminder that IDHS is conducting a provider survey to inform the new workforce compensation contracts, which will become available in 2024. The survey will be used to: The deadline for this survey has been extended to Monday, September 11, 2023. All full-day, full-year, licensed providers are encouraged to fill out […]
Provider Newsletter | March 21, 2023
ACF AND SAMHSA VIRTUAL TRAINING FOR PARENTS, CAREGIVERS, AND FAMILIES ON THE MENTAL HEALTH OF CHILDREN March 22, 2023—6:00–7:15 p.m. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) are offering a virtual training for parents, caregivers, and families on the mental health needs of children. ACF and […]