Are you ready to have a little holiday fun with the kiddos? How about making a Christmas tree?

You will need:
- Thin paper plates
- Green Paint
- Little pompoms
- Silver glitter
First, find the center of a paper plate and cut out a wedge. (We cut out an entire quarter of our plate.)
Next, roll the plate into a cone shape and seal with tape. (If you prefer, you can use hot glue.) Since you will be painting the cones, keep all the tape on the inside. If you find you need tape on the outside, wait until your paint is dry before taping it down.
Then, paint your cone green. (While you could paint your plate while it’s still flat, it’s easier to get the tape or glue to stick before the “tree” is painted.)
After the paint dries, glue on your pom poms and then sprinkle on some silver glitter to remind you of snow glistening on the tree! Have fun decorating and don’t hold tight to the pom pom suggestion. If your kids have another idea, let them go for it! It’s really all about the process and not the finished product.